1 Long upon the mountains weary, Have the scattered flocks been torn; Dark the dessert paths, and dreary; Grievous trials have they borne. Now the gathering call is sounding, Solemn in its warning voice; Union, faith, and love, abounding, Bid the little flock rejoice. 2 Now the light of truth they’re seeking, In its onward track pursue; All the ten commandments keeping, They are holy, just, and true. On the words of lire they’re feeding, Precious to their taste so sweet; All their Master’s percepts heeding, Bowing humbly to His feet. 3 In that light of light and beauty, In that golden city fair, Soon its pearly gates they’ll enter, And of all its glories share. There, divine the soul’s expansions; Free from sin, and death, and pain; Tear will never dim those mansions Where the souls immortal reign. 4 Soon He comes! With clouds descending; All His saints, entombed arise; The redeemed, in anthems blending, Shout their vict’ry thro’ the skies. O, we long for Thine appearing; Come, O Savior, quickly come! Blessed hope! Our spirits cheering, Take thy ransomed children home.